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Would love to know which EP would be better for my scope

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Hi I have a sky watcher 120mm refractor with a focal length of 600mm a f5, I have a dilemma and really don't know wot would be best for me to do I have a 25 and 10 mm EP witch came standard with the scope and now belive I am ready for a better EP, I have been saving up and have a total of around £320 to spend

I have taking a intrest in the Nirvana EP's and can't decide weather to get the 28mm 2" EP with a 2" diagonal or get the 16mm 1.25" Nirvana with a Powermate 2.5x

I am intrest in everything in the sky although my scope is not ment to be the best for planetary views, would really like to get and make the most out of my scope would love some advice thanks alot

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Only get a 2" eyepiece if you have a 2" focuser.

Also beware that the eyepieces you are gawking at are mahoosive. make sure your scope and mount can handle the weight first.

I would reccomend you get a 6mm(plus x2 barlow to give 3mm) this gives you x100 mag at 8mm and x200 mag at 3mm.

6mm gives you x100 magnification

3mm(6mm with x2 barlow)gives you x200 magnification

At the moment your ranges are:

25mm gives you x24 magnification

10mm gives you x60 magnification.

with a 2xbarlow you will also achieve:

12.5mm(25mm with x2barlow)gives you x48 magnification

5mm(10mm with x2barlow)gives you x120 magnification

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