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help planning with stellarium

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Im semi new to this and its frustrating. I enjoy stargazing but i like to use my computer. How do i plan an evenings stargazing using stellarium? Is stellarium the best program to use? I like the graphics but i don’t know how to plan an evening of stargazing using stellarium. also anyone know of any sites like slooh that arent expensive?

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First, find out what your latitude is (go to wiki and look up your nearest city if you're not sure). Press F6 and type in the info, or just look up your nearest big city-place using the F6 function.

Next, work out what observations views you will be able to enjoy, that is, will you be looking North, South, East or West, or a number and combination of these cardinal points?

Some folk will be able to take advantage of all four, others, if they're viewing from their garden, or like myself, a city roof top, will be a tad more limited. When you've got that sussed, (buy a cheap compass if it becomes too complicated), press Q and up pops your cardinal points on Stellarium.

Next, work out what time you will be viewing and fast forward Stellarium to that hour (press L). Now you should be able to see the kind of objects open to you at that hour from that cardinal point.

If you want to get a little more precise on what you may be able to see, you may want to play around with the F4 function.

Press F4, tick the labels and markers section: Planets, Nebulas and Stars. Now, if you've got a powerfulish telescope (say an 8") and relatively free from light pollution, you could always reduce light pollution on the atmosphhere box, and visa versa. Evidently, you'll need to experiement yourself, but you should be able to get a rough idea of what you can expect.

Hope that helps for a quick intro and warm up.

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