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What To Look At?

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I have a Celestron Starhopper telescope and I have taken it out several times, but have just settled on the Moon, Saturn, and whatever else that catches my eye, (which isn't much).

So, I was hoping someone might point out suggestions at what to look at and what I should eventually progress up to. I'm still a relatively new beginner, so I would like the help.


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There is just so much to look at. The best advice I can give anyone new to stargazing is to get hold of a copy of the book 'Turn Left at Orion' and work through the different seasons. Another very useful resource is the free planetarium software 'Stellarium' which you can download from. Stellarium

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the beehive cluster (praesepe) in cancer is a great site. i always go back to it. also the double cluster between cass and perseus is very nice. the pleiades in taurus is impressive.

if you havent already, download stellarium so you know what to look for when you go out.

good luck and clear skies

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A very useful tool for beginners is a "planisphere" - a whole sky map of the current night sky. With the below free download (printable), it will give you several naked eye, binocular and telescopic objects and their locations as well as teaching you the major constellations for future object locating.Skymaps.com - Publication Quality Sky Maps & Star Charts

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