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Polar scope

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Hello again,

forgot to ask this in my last question - what do I put into my CG5 to aid polar alignment - is there a special polar scope attachment that screws into the hole under the RA setting circle?

Aaagh, another one popped into my head - can I modify my finder scope to include a diagonal or get hold of a finder scope that includes one. I am practically lying down to use it sometimes!

Cheers, Huw.

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Huw, you can buy a Celestron polarscope or a slightly cheaper option would be to get hold of an EQ5 one that does the same thing (Celestron's CG5 mount are re-badged EQ5's which are 'allegedly' copies of the Vixen Great Polaris mount). I don't know about diagonals but I know what you mean about aligning, I normally get a wet backside doing mine! TBH though, if all you're doing is visual obersving, all you need to do is get Polaris roughly in the middle of the hole where the polarscope goes, there's no need to get super accurate.


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Thanks Tony,

I haven't had a chance to polar align yet due to the weather so perhaps I'l hold back on the polarscope for now. I'm sure I saw a thread regarding diagonal type finderscopes - glad it's not just me with the "twister" style contortions.

Cheers, Huw.

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Ah, finderscopes aren't polarscopes. Finders are the little scopes on the side of your er, scope which you can get right-angled versions of. I've never seen a polarscope with a diagonal, let me know if you do though :).

Once you've done your polar alignment once, unless you're moving to a completely different site (with a different latitude) it'll only take 5 mins to do as it should be roughly in the same place from last time. You'll only need to adjust the az (side to side) bolts.


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Sorry tony,

I did mean right angled finderscopes - are they all a standard size? I could do with one as my refractor has my head on the grass if I'm looking at zenith.

I see what you mean about only having to adjust the az bolts.

Cheers, Huw.

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