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Help with imaging.

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Tonight I'm going out with my skywatcher 127mm mak and I am going to use my spc900nc with it to look at Jupiter. I was just wandering is there any good techniques for imaging. I have seen images on the internet with the same kit and they are about one million times better than mine. When I do film Jupiter's bands are just visible. What am I doing wrong?



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It really is practise practise practise and using some pretty clever kit. It is possible as you know to rrip a video into jpgs, you could try a programme called registax to then place all the jpgs in a stack and get an end result. Take it from me, you will bang your head at times with astrophotography, it is a minefield at times. Also tracking etc needs to be pretty much spot on, as does polar alignment so that you are covering all areas. Play with jupiter for now, but it may be worth waiting for the moon to appear and practise on her for a bit, atmospheric conditions etc play a big part too. When I had my set up I ran it along with a pc at the scope so I could see the image and then pressed record when things looked steady. Best of luck and just read as much as you can on the subject.

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