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Which eyepieces/filters for globular clusters/galaxies?

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Had great fun last night with my C8N-GT (1000mm/F5). Having finally cracked my alignment and GOTO issues, last night it was bang on the button for 4 solid hours of visual observing. One very happy owner :police:

Having finally been able to find and view some faint fuzzies (newbie stuff like M13, M92, M81, M82), I'd like to know what, if anything, I can do to improve my views? I do appreciate that the "seeing" and lightpollution play a large part, as does averted vision, but...

- What are the preferred eyepiece types and suitable focal lengths for the more common (not open) clusters?

- Would a filter help?

(BTW, I wear glasses.)

I don't have any real "quality" eps (yet):

- Celestron 10mm (came bundled with 80GTL)

- Vixen 15mm & 26mm Plossls (~15yrs old)

- Celestron 20mm (came with C8N)

My best quality ep is probably my Meade 42mm - BIG eyepiece, great views on Beehive and Pleides. I also have a Vixen Barlow (2x?) and a Televue 3x Barlow.

I've been considering a Burgess Optical Planetary Eyepiece for high-mag use on planets and the moon. Would it be suitable for clusters too?

Thanks (and sorry for the long post!),


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Glad to see you got the mount issues sorted out Mark :police:.

I think eyepieces are one of those areas where in general you get what you pay for. The pride and joy in my case is a Baader Hyperion 8mm hand grenade. M13 in that and it's right in your face! Following on from that, my 15mm Antares W70 is the one I use the most. Kidney beans a little right at the edges but nice clear views. I wear specs too but I push mine up onto my forehead and get my eye nice 'n snug in there.

Have you thought about getting a Baader Neodynium filter? I find it darkens the sky a treat but you do lose a little detail on certain things. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. But for less than £20, it's not going to break the bank if it doesn't work for you.

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