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DC/DC 12v to 5v 2-3Amp supply


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I'd prefer not to :) Let's just say it's a battery for radio but here is a link to where I got the idea from:

Canon 350D/400D and 500D battery eliminators

the link only makes an eliminator for a 350/400d not sure why his didn't work initially? Just need to make sure that the power you're putting into the battery is about 1/2 a volt above the battery rating and add a 10k resistor between the centre pin and negative.

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Personaly...I have never bothered with the resistor.

IIRC the Thermistor is only used to measure the temperature of the battery during charging...

The offical canon chargers wont charge the batts if they are too cold or too hot...bit like goldilocks eating porridge...

later model batteries have started to communicate real data to the camera things like serial numbers etc...


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Thanks Peter, I just followed the instructions, I'm pretty certain they said that the camera wouldn't turn on without the thermistor in place, as it thinks it's in an 'error' condition being out of range of the temperature sensors readings. Good to know for future reference though!!

I wonder what else the smart batteries are reporting? Does the camera still work if it doesn't get a serial number back from the battery?

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Reggie ... I may be wrong... could try disconnecting it and see what happens?

With the more fiddly battery designs i buy the cheapest I can find on the bay and remove the cells... this maybe an eye opener when you see whats in there...

I then wire into the battery connections on the PCB...


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Unfortunately it's all glued together now but either way it works :)

For a 450d I would definitely buy a cheap clone and gut it, for the 400d I just needed a power source for the camera, much quicker to make one than wait for a battery to turn up in the post.

I'm wondering what goes on with the newer model cameras and their batteries, this smart battery that reports at least a serial has me wondering how the cloners get around it? Are the clones for that type of battery more expensive, do they actually put an IC in there?

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