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M53 + NGC5053 - First Go At RAW


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OK , this is only a test. Its 4 images at 2mins exp. each.( NGC5053 is lower left and M53 upper right)

I did have some problems using Deep Sky Stacker ( posted in image processing section) over what settings to use. I turned the final 16bit Tiff file into jpeg to allow easy posting below.

Its good to see small , round star images right to the edge of the frame.(did not crop this image)



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John, that's a good first go at M53 and NGC5053. Nice tight stars and good tracking!

You have some background noise in the image which you can easily put right next time. Just take more subs -12 @ 1 1/2 mins would give you far lower background noise than 4 @ 2 mins.

I've had problems with DSS, sometimes it seems to produce an excellent stacked image, and the next time a poor one. It was probably how I was using it, but I finally changed to ImagesPlus and that sorted out my stacking problems. I look forward to some more of your posts as you seem to be getting some clear skies!.



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I've had problems with DSS, sometimes it seems to produce an excellent stacked image, and the next time a poor one. It was probably how I was using it, but I finally changed to ImagesPlus and that sorted out my stacking problems. I look forward to some more of your posts as you seem to be getting some clear skies!.



Yep , same problems as I had today. Just had to keep messing around with the settings till it worked. Might try your suggestion - ImagesPlus.


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