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What will I get of the cocoon nebula?


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Hi all

Ok, so, I'm looking for a target for tonight for my first proper guided session... I may be mad but I am looking for a nebula I can shoot that isn't going to be getting too low by midnight...

I am going to risk shooting with the RC6 astrograph at f9 (gulp) and at 1.4m fl.... so something smallish is a good bet...

The Cocoon is in about the right place in the sky and looks a great size in the fov calculator....

if I can get 6min to 10min subs at f9 and 800ISO with my modded Eos 500D, should I be able to pick up the cocoon? It's listed as mag +7.2 which doesn't sound TOO bad... but I know these things are all about surface brightness, not overall magnitude.

So... am I mad, or should I get something out of that set up with a couple of hours or more of data?


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