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A couple from last week with Atik16ic...


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First images in 3 1/2 months....... :)

Took 2 hrs to set up & remember what went where.....! Anyway normal setup:

EQ6, ED80 + Atik 16ic, 7nm HA Baader, OAG (with my old webcam), central Bromley (mag 3.5 skies)

IC63 - 18x10mins (no calibration at all - just stacked & tweaked) - Half the subs for this were taken through smoke as neighbour 3 houses down decided to light massive bonfire just as I started first sub... :-(

Tulip Neb - 7x10mins + 4x15mins (again no calibration just stacked & tweaked) - Took this too late in season as object is starting to set in West which for me means imaging through all the **** from Bromley :-(

Anyway was good to get out again & dust off the cobwebs (must get a larger format camera).. Both images still need more subs & colour of course.

Thks, John.




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Just reconfirms that the atik 16ic is a great little camera. Great images :)

For example, the 383 feels slightly different from the 16ic and you will need to do darks/flats to get the most out of it (compared to the 16ic).

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Thks Nick & yes agree totally which is why I still haven't upgraded after nearly 4 years of imaging with it. The 16ic is so simple - no darks, no flats on either of these images. Focus is quick & easy, download speeds are very quick & small chip gives nice FOV on some of the smaller objects..

Cheers, John

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