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Venus in daylight

The Warthog

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I was outside messing about with my telescope today, and put some velcro on my little Mak and on the bottom of one of my red-dot finders, so I can use it as a finder for the Mak. I also found that my 2" diagonal is threaded for filters on the end that goes in to the OTA, and attached a UV filter and an MV filter, so now the MV filter can be there all the time, and I can change eps to my heart's content. And I put the red-dot filter back on the reflector, so now I can find stuff. I feel very accomplished.

I hadn't moved the reflector since Thursday, so I assumed that my polar alignment was still good, but now I think my wife may have moved the scope slightly when we were cleaning out the shed on Saturday. Anyway, I put my trusty 24mm ep in it, and pointed the scope at the Moon, which was approximately at zenith. I then read off the Ra and dec for the Moon and Venus from Skyglobe, and moved the scope the appropriate distance in RA and dec so that I should have been able to see Venus. It took a little looking about, but I did find it. It was a bout 4 degrees south of where it should have been, according to the dial, so I think that, yep, the scope was moved a bit. Also tried to track down Saturn, but witnout success today. I have seen Saturn in daylignt in my own scope before, but haven't tracked down Venus before. It was kinda fun to do. There's little enought to see in my usually carpy skies, anyway.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I did this last week wart, I found Venus in daylight and spent the day testing my goto on it, it followed it all day long. I have also started looking for the bright stars during the day as well, something very strange about a reddish/orange colour on a light blue background. But betegeuse, procyon, ect were all visible, well better as the sun started to dip.

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There's little enought to see in my usually carpy skies, anyway.

Cool... do you get Salmon in your skies too then ?


Sorry WH, couldn't resist. I love the daytime planetary viewing idea, I might have a crack at that myself.


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There's little enought to see in my usually carpy skies, anyway.

Cool... do you get Salmon in your skies too then ?


Sorry WH, couldn't resist. I love the daytime planetary viewing idea, I might have a crack at that myself.


ON occasion we get mackerel skies. :D

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