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Career from Astronomy (Northern Ireland)


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Just looking for a bit of advice about making a career out of astronomy. Even though I haven’t been doing much visual astronomy over the last year or so, I have been getting myself through a degree. It’s with the Open University and is a BSc (Honours) Natural Sciences (Astronomy and Planetary science) and im 1/3 of the way through it. Initially I was just doing it for fun, but now I’m getting more and more interested in taking it further.

So my question is what are the prospects of getting a career out of the qualification in Northern Ireland?

I have looked into how to get the Masters and PhD etc and think over the next 6 – 10 years both would be possible. I’m a mature student but only 33 so still have some time on my side.

I know I could go into teaching if I got a PGCE but I’m looking at research etc and the only place I can see that have research programs is Queens. This is where I was looking at doing the Masters and PhD etc.

So any higher education people out there able to give some advice or even some options that I have missed?

Or even looking a mature assistant to help out grin.gif

Any advice would be appreciated.

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I'm starting an Astrophysics degree at Aberystwyth in nine days! So excited it's unreal. I'm also a mature student at 27, so I have 6 extra years :( . I'm quite confused about the prospect of employment afterwards. From what I can gather, MA or PhD seems quite important if you want to work within the industry, although people with BSc seem to be highly desirable in non-related jobs. For me, if I progress as far as MA or PhD, I hope to be able to in touch with an agency or private company in the sector whilst still studying. I think that involvement at the earliest possible stage could be the best way to ensure a good chance of a career in astronomy. As with most mature students (I think), I'm pursuing this first because I love astronomy and astrophysics, and career prospects are a bonus second, so I am not nearly as interested in work outside the sector. I'm doing this course because I want to learn more about this fascinating subject that we are all so lucky to be addicted to!

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