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Streetlight success


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Earlier this year we had our streetlighting changed to the new low energy, low light pollution style. Unfortunately the light that had been directly in front of my house (and so completely shielded from the back garden) was replaced with one a bit further down the road. My new view South from my scope's spot :evil6::


And how the light looked:



The only thing that drowned out this light was the full moon :) I recently noticed some little shields go up round some of the other lights. A quick email to the company doing the installation, via the local council, and this has happened:



The exposure times for the 2 night photos has gone from 1/13th of a second to 1.3 seconds, so about 1/17th of the light that I was getting before. Together with the reduced general light pollution from the downward lighting style as you can see below, I think this is now a success :)


p.s. the extreme CA is due to using an old 200mm f3.5 m42 lens with a 3x teleconverter :smiley: Not the ideal solution

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That looks like a great solution, the scattered light is greatly reduced. I suppose it helps that the street light was already directing the light vaguely downwards in the first place which would make fitting a shield fairly straightforward.

Around our area we have street lights like the one below which cast light in all directions:


Ours are slightly different to that but that is the closest image I could find, we have a small "cap" on the top that partially shields the light from going straight up and reflects in back down. I can't imagine the type of shield that would be needed to sort the three that line the street that my house fronts on to!!!

Luckily the cannot be seen from my regular observing spot in my north-facing back garden, although I can grab a glimpse of a differently designed light on an adjoining road if I position myself in a particular place next to the compost heap.

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