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Daylight Jupiter


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I hadn't tried imaging in daylight before but having seen some other posts on Stargazers Lounge I thought I'd have a try at the Moon & Jupiter this morning.

The Moon image is a three pane mosaic using a Skywatcher 8 inch Newtonian with a DMK41 on an EQ 5 Synscan mount and Jupiter was imaged with the same setup but with a DBK31 .



I was pleasently suprised by the results and even more surprised to see that Io and Europa were captured as well.

More of my bits and bobs are at http://www.catsastroblog.blogspot.com

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Thanks Darkersky.I've been itching to get back to imaging Jupiter for soe time now especially as I now have a RGB setup but it isn't practicle for me to pull an all nighter what with work and everything so a big thanks from me to the other imagers at SGL who posted thier daytime images and set me on this path.

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