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Let's have your favourite DSO in Cygnus


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........visually, photographically - or both


Ah Cygnus! Home to soooooooo many deep sky objects - whether they be clusters, SNR's, nebulae - or even beautiful double stars like Albeiro. A favourite for many northerners for whom the whiz bang sites of Scorpius & Sagittarius remain hidden low in the murk of the southern skies. :)

So do you have a favourite object to view visually or photographically?

I do!


To me the best DSO through my scope has to be NGC6992-6995 (AKA The Eastern half of the VEIL nebula).

On nights of mediocre transparency, this object can often be difficult to detect at all through the scope from a light polluted site. However, on nights of excellent transparency, the filaments of this beautiful object can be easy to see - especially when I add my Ultrablock narrowband filter to the proceedings. A real treat to observe!


Although the Veil looks very impressive in deep sky images, my trophy has to be awarded to pictures of the Pelican nebula. This object, to my mind, takes on an almost 3-D effect in pictures & looks absolutely stunning. :shock:

Just a pity that it doesn't show the same effect through the eyepiece! :)

Anyway, just my 2c. :)

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The Crescent nebula. Located about 1/2 degree from Gamma Cygni, in a large scope it looks like a planetary nebula, but is in fact a shock wave from a Wolf-Rayet star which burns at about 60,000 K! Amazing.

I also like to show Cygnus X-1. It's a black hole candidate that shows as a bright blue O-type star. Nothing spectacular, but it gets me going on black holes and stuff. 8)

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