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Which Filter to buy

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Hi I am a bit confused with UHC filters and am not sure what to buy. I was looking at modern astronomy's web site and there were two Astronomix UHC filters one was wpiced at £79 and the other was a UHC-E priced at £49 and it said it was for smaller scopes <8" I have a celestron 6" sgt so my question is what is the difference between these two filters? and should I go for the cheaper option or get the more expensive one for when I upgrade my scope to an 8" or above? Any advice would be more than welcome.



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I have the UHC-E filter for my 4" refractor. It cuts out less light than the UHC and so it's more suitable for small scopes.

Worth pointing out though that even this filter does reduce the light reaching your eye fairly substantially.

Give Bernard at Modern Astronomy a call - there's not much he doesn't know on this subject and he's always up for a conversation.


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thanks for the info Tim I will give Bernard a call. I am not to conserned about reduced light as I am really wanting it for astrophotography so I can just adjust my exposure time accordingly

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