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Tony Greco

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Posts posted by Tony Greco

  1. 15 hours ago, Cosmic Geoff said:

    Aligning the red dot with the telescope should not present any special difficulty if you can find a suitable distant target in daylight, e.g a feature on top of a tall building.

    The dongle and app are optional extras and I recommend that you first master operation with the basic kit.

    The Starsense Autolign is a time-saver when setting up and saves the bother of selecting alignment stars and crouching over the telescope. You can bring out a chair and suchlike stuff while the Starsense does its thing. It also has some nice observer lists in the handset which are not in the Nexstar+.  It's a matter of personal opinion whether it is worth the expense.  I have the Starsense on a C8 SE used as a quick-deploy outfit, but I have no plans to put it on another heavy telescope outfit which takes some time to assemble and already has GPS.

    And make or buy a dew shield if you do not already have one.


  2. I have just received my Celestron NexStar 4SE Computerised Telescope I have set it up however am struggling to calibrate it with red dot etc Have bought the dongle and downloaded the app but struggling

    Any help much appreciated Was going to buy the The Celestron StarSense AutoAlign but seems alot of money as per the cost of the telescope

    However is it worth it

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