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Everything posted by Crazycatlady

  1. Okay I got the .net software installed and guess what - we have connection! Now I have to wait for the darned tablet to charge up so I can go outside and shoot!
  2. So I went to download the Astrophotography software and I am so frustrated. It brought down an EXE file that refers to a zip file I supposedly can download. WHERE? I DO NOT SEE IT ANYWHERE! I'm an IT professional - this stuff shouldn't be a reach for me but I cannot find said zip file. I wish I could simply magnify my image I am seeing in my viewfinder so I can focus and get my pix I need to get!
  3. Ever since I was little and had my first telescope (a 1966 Sears 60mm refractor which I still have), I've wanted to be able to take pix of what I am seeing. I recently puchased my Celestron 90mm refractor and LOVE it. I tried taking pix with my cellphone with an adapter and did not have any luck. I tried a used Olympus DE300 and no luck there either; no live view. Then, I bit the bullet, and got my Canon. The Canon does a beautiful job for the most part - but the image is so tiny, I can't get it focused! I tried live view through my phone and that stopped working. It works with 'daytime images' but not night. Settings? I have the camera on manual. It also continuously disconnects every time I switch a setting, so I spend more time messing with my phone and camera than actually looking through my objective. I can see what I want to see through the camera's viewfinder, and I use the phone as the remote to take the picture so I don't have to touch it and well you know what happens. HANDS off is best...but the focus is a crap shoot. I can't get it to connect to my iPad; it just won't do it. Seems like the Canon's software has limitations with regards to quite a few things; as a UX/UI designer, I have a lot to say about it but this is the wrong forum... So - does something exist where I can either 1) put some kind of magnification device on my t-ring set up to make the image bigger so I can focus - or perhaps something that allows me to use one of my eyepieces? I'd love to get the circus I see every night with Jupiter's moons - they are so fun to see as they change every night. Thanks in advance! I've attached the best pic so far and it's fuzzy. (sigh). I want to get those strips I see on Jupiter and the crisp rings of Saturn!
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