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  1. this is my rig wo72mm megrez with televue delite 18mm and sionyx digiscoped. using live view with wifi to sionyx and viewing on tablet. also has laser pointer attachment for aiming. will post some pics when skies clear. perseus double cluster looked good
  2. I treid my sionyx on my WO Megrez 72mm using a teleview delite 18mm with the sionyx hand held to the eyepiece and took some snaps of perseus double cluster. Despite the full moon and not seeing much by eyeball bar a couple of bright stars of the cluster, i was surprised the sionyx picked out the two clusters with many stars visible, although my hand held efforts were a bit shaky. Am getting an adapter to mount the sionyx to the eyepiece and will post some pics this week.
  3. am looking for advice, how to attach my sionyx camera onto my 2 inch or 1.25 inch scope, to use it at prime focus. Does anybody have any suggestions please. Also am interested in attaching the sionyx to an eyepiece.
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