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  1. Okay I think I will go for the 150pds as I would like to do AP and it looks cheaper to spend the money now than to have to upgrade later down the line. Thanks for all your help!
  2. Okay thanks for explaining that. I looked into that TS-PHOTON telescope you suggested, and I realised it doesn't come with a dual speed focuser. I was just wondering how important this is and whether it would be worth it to buy the 150pds instead which comes with a dual speed focuser. Thanks!
  3. Thanks for the great reply, I'll look into that scope you suggested. You suggested for me to make a dobsonian mount or use an altaz one for visual use, is there any reason why an eq mount wouldn't work as a mount for visual use?
  4. Hi everyone, I'm looking at upgrading my telescope (I've currently got some rubbish small celestron) and for my budget I decided a 150mm (6 inch) f/5 newtonian would be best. I am looking at buying just the telescope, will get the mount seperately, and have a budget of up to £300, although less would be better. I am wanting to do some visual and also some astrophotgraphy, probably of DSOs. So far I have found a couple of scopes that looked good: Skywatcher Explorer 150pds or 150p OTA (Around £289) Bresser Messier NT-150S/750 Hexafoc OTA (Around £250) Any reviews of these or other reccomendations would be greatly appreciated.
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