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Posts posted by Robd

  1. Thanks Malcom.

    Good news is that the mount now seems to be working. The bad news is that I have no idea why.

    To expand a bit on the saga.

    This mount has not been used since I upgraded to an EQ6. Until then it had been permanently mounted in the observatory and only driven from pc with Eqmod.

    This was the first time that I had used it in the field connected to pains adaptor  with 12v 2a supply.

    Initially I thought that all was OK using the handset - set date/time /location  and polar aligned. Slewed to Jupiter and took a couple of images. It was then that I realised that it was not tracking so went through all of the synscan setting but found nothing that would get it tracking.

    Tried connecting to the laptop but failed. Checked Com ports still no connection.

    Turned off, closed all windows, gave it a good hard stare  still no tracking. Then started to get the no response messages, one axis then both so gave up.

    Took motherboard out as above.

    Today I have put it all back together  and  started again. Still the same result with the handset connected so removed it and connected to laptop, still no joy so raided the observatory for cables, usb to serial etc.  Still no joy. Finally stripped anther cable from the observatory - the serial that connects to the mount. Connected to laptop and  ....... strewth it works, there's that nice little whine from the motor, it slews, it tracks.

    I then realised that I had been connecting to the guide port not the handset port with an st4 cable.

    Disconnected and plugged in the handset and it works. Turned off and on and it still works. Currently checking the tracking rate.

    This leaves me with a number of questions.

    Why have I got an eqdir plug etc with st4 connectors that don't seem to do anything when connected?

    Why did the handset initially half work and then give up?

    Did connecting the laptop to the guide port screw something up?

    Why did I start this game in the first place?


    Since all seems OK now I guess I'll never know.




  2. Thanks Mandy.

    My first thought was that it was a capacitor that had blown especially given that there is no indication as to what rating it is etc, just the E203 and a fair splattering of white  dots made me suspicious.

     I think that I will try connecting without the hand set from laptop snd see if it works, in which case hand set to blame.


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  3. Good morning all, first post since I don’t remember when.

     I took my Heq5 out last weekend to take to our star party. Had all sorts of problems, error messages on hand set etc. finally  realised that it was not tracking so gave up in disgust.

    Error messages include ‘Dec/Alt no response’ then nothing works. Power light is on a steady, no flickering.

    Stripped it down over the weekend and removed the motherboard. By my reckoning the large capacitor at the bottom of the image is blown. The only remaining lettering on it is E203. Item is marked as L42, which now makes me think that it is not a capacitor , seem to recall a thread elsewhere on here saying that the ‘L’ items are not capacitors.

    Second image close up of L42

    Is it blown?

    Any ideas on what it is for replacement?

    If not blown any other ideas. As far as I can see none of the capacitors are blown.





  4. Eqmosaic is used to osition the mount to build you mosaic. From memory set fov details and overlap required. Start at center of grid and select no of panels required, assumes that you are already pointing to target. Take no of required frames for each panel. 

    Stack each panel as normal then create mosaic. Exact method of mosaic will depend on your software, pixinsight - mosaic linear data. 

    I recently used Hugin on a set of non linear images which worked a treat. 

    Other software may also incorporate mosaic functionality. 


  5. Hmm just managed to repost.

    I used the arduino and adafruit driver for mine. The latter will drive two steppers. My plan was to use one for the guide scope and the other for the imaging scope. It all worked fine switching between the two motors via software. 

    Unfortunately one driver no longer works - think I blew something up on the board. 

    Fortunately the other side still works and the guide scope doesn't need re-focusing very often. 

  6. If you intend using arduino based do as I did, I based mine on TekkyDave's, elsewhere on here.

    I added functions to PC and arduino code to allow setting of backlash compensation. This is then applied within the arduino logic every time movement direction is changed. I think I ended up with a 100 step correction. 

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