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Posts posted by Tredelerch79

  1. So i got my 10mm and 10mm wide lenses from my dobsonian. Got clearee view of Saturn, actually seen the rings, still small obviously but I could make it out.  Jupiter, still couldn't make out the colours and detail like with my dob, still just a bright sphere with a few moons. But clearly the 10mm lens is better and Im looking forward to seeing the moon with it. 


    Now, how do I take photos with my phone?  I have a mount but the pictures are super bright and blurred.  Look at this one of Saturn. Miles better just looking properly. Is there a knack?


  2. Thanks everyone for your advice.  I tried again tonight with slightly improved performance. Firstly i put the barlow in before the diagonal, that helped a bit. Worked better with the 20mm lens but still not at all with the 4mm, i suspect for the reasons given above.  


    I tried both lenses without the barlow. Both worked a little better but still could not get that clear image of jupiter or Saturn. It was very bright and a little hazy, could that be to do with atmospheric conditions?  What i did try was to take the small bit off the lens cap instead of the whole thing, that seemed to make a difference too. Picture attached. But why would that help? 


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  3. Hi everyone,

    It's been years since i last posted here after initially getting a Skywatcher Skyliner dobsonian which became impractical after i moved to a small flat. Now, with a young son, I've bought a Celestron Powerseeker 70AZ and last night i set it up.  


    It came with 4mm and 20mm lenses and a 3x barlow. Last night i showed my son the moon and Jupiter, out of his mind excited (he is 3 and can name all planets in the solar system in order from the sun and tell you the hottest, coldest, smallest, largest he loves it all).  However I could only see anything using the 20mm lens with any images of the moon in the 4mm being a little blurry and Jupiter being totally blurred. I could just make out Saturn with the 20mm but really small and had to squint to recognise it, higher magnification with the 4mm was just nothing at all.  The barlow, forget it, everything is blurred all of the time. With my Dobsonian i got small but clear pictures of Jupiter, able to see the colours and even the red spot, i forget which lenses I had but i can check, perhaps a 10mm but ill confirm.


    Today I have recalibrated the finderscope and its pretty much smack on. I did this by focussing on a window in an office block around 1 mile away. Both 20mm and 4mm lenses worked.  The barlow again does nothing, its like its smeared with vaseline.  

    So is it me?  Is the barlow junk?  Maybe the 4mm is too strong and im missing the tiny bit of sky im looking for?  I don't think so because I can get something but just can't focus enough on it to get a clear picture. 


    Any advice or help very welcome because id love to really keep my son interested and spark his curiosity further.


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