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Posts posted by Lariliss

  1. ‘Starship’ does lots of trials and goes for bald missions.


    They have the ability to do the technological tests and run enormous missions at the same time.


    We are in the era when the finest cutting edge technology is mature enough to be bald with missions. Numerous tests, engineering refinements and tests again, all the precautions to eliminate any failure. The projects are confident enough to state the timelines and costs. There are too many uncertainties for the plans to be very precise. There is uncertainty on any new uncertainties to come across even.


    The technology is on rail to go despite the hindrances. It is kind of a careful Occam's razor, and I believe it will work. As it does for the rest.

    I would say, we can only stick with the leaders' plans for a bet.

  2. Multistage rocket launches were one of the issues for selecting rocket launch sites till about 1990’s passivation implemented.

    Though nowadays multistage rocket parts are recommended (UN, ITU) to be moved to a disposal orbit, they can either burn in the atmosphere or become space debris. Moreover, exclusions still exist, threatening to reach the earth surface (which we can find in the latest news).

    The Center for Orbital and Reentry Debris Studies (CORDS) is known for monitoring the issues of space debris and space traffic management.


    There are many questions in front of active space companies, including: satellites control with AI, debris removal technologies for new launches, making launches clean (with ecofuel), creating ‘traffic rules’ on the orbit.

    Is there a threat that is not spotlighted, as debris falling into earth?


    Don't mean easy but still effective multistage rockets that are used for many purposes, including LEO payload delivery.

  3. A ‘butterfly astronomer’ would be the closest one. Currently mostly LEO and weather inclined. Though most of my effort is going to data analysis and methods (in the Solar system and far beyond). I like gazing at stars and I like working with tables. I see the light at the end of the tables :)

  4. The precision and wisdom of NASA scientists and engineers must make it successful. The Webb Telescope ran through the launch and operating scenarios, which took into account it’s complexity, weight, possibilities of maintenance, and one of the most important - the fuel amount. Still it is necessary to work within the laws of physics.

    And I believe, all the tests considered scenarios from a ‘perfect launch’ to the worst case - which will still put the telescope to orbit.

    Making more than one might have a lot of time as another main  resource to be consumed.

  5. A dignified launch for such a powerful team: NASA in conjunction with the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA).

    We should be ready to reconsider our visions, according to the unbelievable increase of the universe's grasp as for the distances and new evidence.

    And speculations for the new Earth :)

    • Like 4
  6. Thank you for posting an interest in the exoplanets observation.

    They impose a real interest:

    Paying attention to stability of star-planet systems (orbits, spins);

    Data for possible planet information (not only mass, but temperature, so forth);

    Moonmoon systems.


    I would also agree on the flux, that generally it is more correct. But depending on observation, is it not more vulnerable to the data collection (though during the time it may have just insignificant fluctuations)? Magnitude looks more stable for observance, and at the same time gives more information on steady changes, opposed to snapshot of flux.


    Actually, any additional data that might have been missed will be significant for new simulations of exoplanets investigation.

  7. Environmental awareness not only show growth in media, but also takes its steps.

    1. Space, Climate Change, and International Cooperation: SWFoundation and British Embassy are hosting an experts panel role in monitoring and tackling climate change.

    Today, when the extremes are obvious with heat, tropic nights, fires, floods it is not possible to stop all the cars, plants, cut electricity consumption and go to dark and wait. Also, it is not possible to waste time only trying to tackle the blazes where it just appears.

    Time to take international initiatives and leverage the situation in a cooperative, proactive and effective way.

    As stated above high-level initiatives are in action. These actions need strong, modern technology based companies to get involved. One of the key features of success in space technology is the engagement of many countries and companies at the same time in order to have fast action due to the complexity of these projects.

    Reliable and successful companies are there in action.

    It is possible to get the relevant example from Skyrora, the UK private rocket launch company.



    2. Also on-earth adaptive learning and local information gathering and analysis for at least short-term reaction on local ecosystems survival implementation is proposed to be spotlighted.

    Transformational ecology and climate change:


  8. There are millions of nearby stars similar to the Sun. Planets accompany most sun-like stars. The orbits of many are sufficiently close that they will be engulfed when their host stars ascend the giant branch.

    This study implies that a significant fraction of planetary systems undergo very dynamical evolutionary paths that can critically modify their architectures, unlike our Solar System which has preserved its planets on nearly circular orbits.



    Next-generation instruments from the European Southern Observatory, such as the 4-metre Multi-Object Spectrograph Telescope (4MOST) and Multi-Object Optical and Near-infrared Spectrograph (MOONS), will be able to observe chemically inhomogeneous Sun-like pairs with more detail.



    'Always look on the bright side of life !' - agree. And I would add, that life existence itself shows the brightness.

  9. What persistence and strength for the goal during the years of harsh race in space. Indicative data on what engineering can do. The technical approach of the starting exploration era through trial and error.

    Sending satellites, humans, reaching the Moon, Venus, Mars.

    Today technology leap and standardization of launches through numerous experiences visualizes colonization to us.

    At the same time the word 'colonization' brings to mind long inhabited cities rather than starting with a station, which can be visited by humans for a short term. Exploration stepping, not leaping yet.

    Still our raising the bar has been foreseen through centuries :)

    Thank you for sharing the videos.

  10. Adding to all the statistics and personal experiences. There is never 100% protection even when all measures are followed, the situation is not stable and not predictable yet.

    New cases and numbers are coming like children being infected (which were not thought is a danger group before).

    Stargazers wouldn’t be an individual group to be noticed in overall statistics, but no need to put more precedents to personal experiences.

    This is also not only about being confident of someone, but also to mind your own responsibility for anyone's health.


    • Like 2
  11. The core of a neutron star contains some protons (and electrons) as well as neutrons as superfluid degenerate matter.


    Current models indicate that matter at the surface of a neutron star is composed of ordinary atomic nuclei crushed into a solid lattice with a sea of electrons flowing through the gaps between them. It is possible that the nuclei at the surface are iron, due to iron's high binding energy per nucleon. It is also possible that heavy elements, such as iron, simply sink beneath the surface, leaving only light nuclei like helium and hydrogen.

    Proceeding inward [..] The expected hierarchy of phases of nuclear matter in the inner crust has been characterized as "nuclear pasta", with fewer voids and larger structures towards higher pressures. The composition of the superdense matter in the core remains uncertain.

    Is it possible, that in between the uncertainties of a neutron stars some elements produced, or this is just a collapse to a mass of free particles?

    • Like 1
  12. 1. The periodic elements table starts with hydrogen: one proton and one electron. Then there is helium: two protons and two electrons. Then it goes with bigger and bigger atoms

    It is not defined how much longer the table can be extended by the creation of new elements. Some suspect there is no limit.

    2. Many elements were created in the lab, and lots of them are unstable before decay (e. g. into plutonium, lead).

    So, they are created on Earth, using a particle accelerator, rather than found in nature or the universe.

    It is possible that in some state or place in the universe that is not observed those elements from the periodic table or new (?) could be found.

  13. Starlink launches are said to be producing 50% of collisions nowadays.

    Having 20k+ junk pieces already on the orbit for all the time, it looks inevitable as a result of Starlink, sending 15k and preparing twice more.

    I assume, there must be mitigation points behind:

    - Where the collision numbers become critical to hold on new launches.

    - Automatic manoeuvring systems continuous calibration.

    - Emergency actions for the critical collisions that might happen.

    Every stargazer/photographer might shoot theory-proof film of collisions’ impact and become famous.

  14. The presence of dark matter is implied in a variety of astrophysical observations, including gravitational effects that cannot be explained by accepted theories of gravity unless more matter is present than can be seen. It’s hypothesis started in 1884 and is counting at least 6 of them now. It has its technical definition and indirect observational evidences: galaxy rotation curves, velocity dispersions, galaxy clusters, cosmic microwave background, redshift-space distortions.

    Similar story start for black holes, which hypothesis started in 1784. But is came to General relativity theory in format of which observations are done and predictions are confirmed. Still singularity is not a physical solution. And still it is being asked why black hole is ‘black’ and it is a ‘hole’. But we are able to observe thousands of them.

    One day a breakthrough might come when we will be able to observe dark matter and wonder why we didn’t do it before..

  15. It depends on the density of the plasma (ions and electrons), their speed and the speed and size of a spaceship. Also it depends on the chemical structure of the gas and chemical reactions occurring both in the gas and on the surface of dust grains lead to much more complex compounds.

    The temperatures about 300 times hotter than the solar corona cloud was discovered by Voyager in 1979. Voyager 2 survived passage through this region because the density of the hot gas is very small - only about 30 particles in a cubic foot; therefore there were not very many ions hitting the spacecraft and hitting it up.

    Scientific studies are carried out to understand the relationship between density and heat.

    The Low Energy Charged Particle instrument was designed to measure fast (few thousand miles per second) ions and electrons' influence.

  16. - Taking into account all launches together with private companies,  If it is acceptable, I would compare nowadays launches as a sprint competition to get the used space for satellites and to gather the data (which is precious knowledge).
    TV broadcasting and telecommunication started in a similar way, when one may broadcast globally, and now operators are competing within countries and purchased bands and allowed technologies.
    In any case, coordinated effective launches and data processing cooperation rather than espionage allegations and bans are for common advantage.

    With all respect to small companies, that are launching surveillance satellites effectively, not in huge bunches.

    - 'annihilating 75% of the human race'  is  a worth notice. Could also be compared to believed (?) moving of 7 billion to another planet within a century, terraforming, changing mentality?

    Maybe latter could happen after some thousand years.

  17. The densest area that we might pass would be a nebula.


    -'The densest nebulae can have densities of 10,000 molecules per cubic centimetre (or sometimes even more)'.

    -The hottest interstellar gas has a temperature of 8000 Kelvin (or more). (The Solar System, by the way, seems to be located within a large, low-density bubble within the interstellar medium.)

    For sure, the travelling path should avoid asteroid belts, would have probably same approach as we do have now, avoiding orbiting of large mass bodies or using them for acceleration.

    Our space craft would be something totally new piece of technology that we have now to travel further.

  18. 1. Black holes may have been  common in the early universe. There are founding that at least 20% of the infrared cosmic background, light emitted 400 million to 800 million years after the Big Bang 13.8 billion years ago

    2. Black holes don't have any property beyond their mass, spin, and charge.
    Since, for what is already gone behind event horizon the information is get lost

    AGN one of the most explored matter around black holes. Exploration is still hard and uncertain, it is dependent on the black hole to be fed. Are showing to be stable.

    High luminosities of AGN imply high masses such that gravity can combat radiation pressure, which would otherwise blow the object apart. AGN therefore are of very high mass density, and it has long been assumed that they consist of a massive black hole, accreting the gas and dust at the center of a galaxy.

    3. Black holes have a key role in Galaxy forming, as the document explains:https://arxiv.org/pdf/0907.1608.pdf


    It would be compelling to see the results of increased interest in Venus now. Diverse approach for the missions: DAVINCI+ (Deep Atmosphere Venus Investigation of Noble gases, Chemistry, and Imaging). VERITAS (Venus Emissivity, Radio Science, InSAR, Topography, and Spectroscopy). Though 'years of relative neglect' of Venus exploration, probably the right time and effective way in the common goal of solar system way-out advanced exploration. Capacity in hand for the coming years processing and understanding in one voice together with other extraterrestrial missions. Roscosmos chief Dmitry Rogozin says that Russia also wants to send its own mission to Venus, in addition to an already-proposed joint venture with the United States called "Venera-D.

  20. Right, these are really good news: NASA and ESA (European Space Agency) are making partnership for several projects.


    In the US both NASA and the U.S. Space Force tracks space debris, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration monitor space weather, Planetary Defense Coordination Office coordinates the search for potentially hazardous asteroids and other near-Earth objects (NEOs). The European Space Agency (ESA) has pulled all these activities together under the umbrella of its Space Situational Awareness program. The key should be in collecting all the data together and handling it with the help of Data Science methods.


    We are already there with ~ 22,000 pieces of junk flying over our planet. As far as I know, there was never anything done on that. This is only a visible part of the iceberg.


    The first steps may seem bizarre. ESA announced robot-junk-remover test launch till 2025

    There is activity increase in this field (from private companies as well). Overcoming steps should also be a regular process.


    Well done also for the tendency of reliable private companies, sending surveillance satellites.

    Together with Earth protection in terms of surveillance this approach is long asserted. We are already endangered by orbital junk, new technologies are about not to make the situation worse, but to stabilize and step forward.


    Now we judge by today's activities of space exploration vs Earth preservation..

    Obviously, for Earth we should go faster and proactive to bring stabilization as soon as possible. This is a process of years.


    Going to Venus, Mars, the Moon, I believe brings technology push. Ability to do it now pushes the occasions.


    Earth vs Space is not like that. I believe Earth together with space. Technology, Space and Earth agencies cooperation are win-win if balanced.

    For both branches of the same survival aim they work.

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