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Posts posted by wojetej

  1. Hello, I image unguided with canon 600d and 650 mm focal length my mount is EXOS 2 GOTO (it's a EQ5). I am wondering if I can extend my exposures so I get less trailing by tuning my mount , not so long ago I did service it and eliminated backlash and tightened everything so there is no play on both axis. Could I do something more to my mount i case of mechanics to make tracking more accurate or now it only depends on polar alignment? Also I did a "test" today I don't know if it brings something but I aligned my dslr so the RA axis was horizontal movement and DEC was vertical movement when i pressed controls on the remote . I took a 10 min exposure and the star trailed to the right in the RA axis. I found a DARV polar alignment on the internet - should I try that before I do anything else? I'd be happy of any advice given. The photo below is the "test" I was talking about the star in the photo is Mintaka it was due south at the time.


  2. Hello,

    I have a weird issue which is my RA motor making a knocking sound. It started doing this out of nowhere one time when I set up the rig for imaging. I taken the motor off and made a video for you to hear the knocking noise when it's spinning. I need some advice what can I do with it to return to normal. 
    P.S. I'm using a bresser EXOS 2 GOTO mount.



  3. Hello , I am currently using EQ mount called Bresser EXOS 2 GOTO.

    The problem is that when it was tracking at solar speed and I was playing with the controls to get the planet in the center the hand controller red backlight was getting dim and brighter again when suddenly it got reset and I saw the starting screen when I had to set time, date and location again . This happened all the time after a short while of tracking Jupiter. Also when I left the mount for an entire night to image DSO the mount was turned off when I came back. I want to add that I am using batteries but I've been using the mount for max 20 nights and only a few of them I left the mount for all night imaging. Are the batteries going dead or something's up with the mount?

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