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Posts posted by Mike6degS

  1. Jupiter at opposition on 26 September taken from Tanjung Lesung, Indonesia at 6.5 deg S. The jump in the animation was during the meridian flip with the camera in danger of hitting the tri-pier legs and the telescope almost vertical. It was very windy, otherwise the images could have been a lot better. 

    Io starting on the right and disappearing, then Europa appearing on the left. Wonderful...!!!

    Equipment: William Optics FLT 156 with Televue 4x Powermate and ZW0 ASI462MC camera. Best of 4000 frames processed for each image with PIPP, AutoStakkert3 and RegiStax6.


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  2. Saturn by itself is so stunning, taken 4 days past opposition from Tanjung Lesung, Indonesia at 6.5 deg S. So telescope almost vertical, but here we have to deal with tropical haze and endless clouds..!!

    Equipment: William Optics FLT 156 with Televue 4x Powermate and ZW0 ASI462MC camera. Best of 4000 frames processed with PIPP, AutoStakkert3 and RegiStax6.


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  3. Saturn and 5 moons four days after opposition: the bright ones from the left are Rhea, Tethys and Dione. Just above the right-hand arc of the rings is Enceladus, then very dim but just visible at the right-most tip of the rings is Mimas.  This was created by combining two separate images, all done with thanks to assistant astronomer Ditto @blooddee. Location: Tanjung Lesung, Indonesia at 6.5 deg S.

    Equipment: William Optics FLT 156 with Televue 4x Powermate and ZW0 ASI462MC camera. Best of 6000 frames processed with PIPP, AutoStakkert3 and RegiStax6.


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