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Posts posted by DJ N

  1. Happy 2024 everyone…. (my first post for the year).

    I currently am using a Rowan AZ100 for my Mewlon 210 and hopefully soon to come TSA120. The AZ100 is a cracking mount and I absolutely adore it, however, thinking of purchasing the AZ75 as a more portable travel mount. Hoping to hear from anyone that is using either (or both) of these instruments with the AZ75?

    From a loading perspective, the specs of the AZ75 indicate it will carry 15kg. Fully loaded, the Mewlon 210 with binoviewer comes in just under 10kg. I anticipate the TSA120 will be similar if not a smidgeon less. My intention would be to use the AZ75 with my T-Pod 130, so the tripod will be more than stable enough. As a secondary note, I find using the AZ100, because it moves so well, I tend to use the handle for tracking lunar/planets at high power rather than the slo-mo controls, therefore, this should not be an issue on the AZ75 (given it does not have this extra feature).

    Anyhow, keen to hear people’s experiences and thoughts.





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