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Posts posted by DionDiogoMar

  1. On 21/07/2020 at 14:51, Rickyftb07 said:

    Hello, I used to use Pipp, registax and autostacker on my Mac. I updated to OSX Catalina and they have all stopped working. I have since deleted all the programmes in the hope of reinstalling them. However when I try to reinstall PIPP I get the following error " Prefix creation exited with error". 

    Has anyone encountered this? If so do you have a fix or an idea what the issue is? I have attached a screenshot. Thank you. 

    Screenshot 2020-07-21 at 17.58.05.png


    I am facing the same problem in my mac pro, am using Catalina, and have tried to use PIPP 32bits and 64bits, all of them , same problem!!! 

    Does anybody solve this problem ?  

    Tks so much!



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