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Everything posted by cosmosankara

  1. Hi there! Thanks for the help. As i said, i'm a bit new to all this automatization of the capture process so thanks for the enlighment. In this case i could control the pegasus from the stellarmate for example? Sounds good to me if that's the case. It's going to hit me a little harder buying it than the asiair but i can live with that. Anyway, the stellarmate and this kind of devices do require to always be connected to my phone to work or if i just left all setup and the image capture running will keep going if i unconnect my phone and go to check it out later? And the most important question: i'm guessing that to power the stellarmate with my celestron lithium pro i would be fine? I'm reading in opt that the stellarmate has "12v to 5v 2 meter USB C cable" so if i connect it to the lithium battery that has an output of 12v should do just fine, right?
  2. Hi there! Just wanted to make you some questions about an setup i'm planning. I want to automate as much as possible the astrophotography capture process and control the wire issue and i've been thinking of buying an ASIAIR pro with a Pegasus Micro powerbox. I want to ask you: if i have a celestron lithium pro powertank, would be enough to power the pegasus powerbox which would connect to the asiair, 2 dew heaters, a zwo electronic focuser and a zwo 120 mini guide camera? Does the powerbox (considering it has a detector of dew and temperature) manage and control the dew heaters without a pc?(It says in opt website that "All you need to do is plug in the cables, set up the "autodew" functionality..."). And finally, if in a far future i get a tec camera like an zwo 294' would work? I'm a bit new with this fully-automatized setups and with electricity and i would be very thankful if you enlight me.
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