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Tevin Changoo

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Posts posted by Tevin Changoo

  1. Hi guys sorry i've been so abscent just caught up in a social crysis i found this rewlly really cool page on instagram @astronomy_eye please check it out 

    You won't be dissapointed 

    I just can't help myself  i don't a telescope or anything but i stargaze ever so often i see so much amazing stuff with my bare eyes. I cant even express my emotions and the way my "spiritual being" feels.

    (Off topic).... to all the great people who have visited my island i'm really pleased that you love it hope you visit again our night skies are amazing. 

  2. Thanks allot for the warm welcomes  everyone and to those who have been to my country sad to say it's not what it was...but i can't wait to get involved with all the amazing threads and work on here 

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  3. Hello,My name is Tevin Changoo i'm from the island of St.Lucia...I've really been into astronomy but i can't get help where i live...i really want to further my competence in this field. Can someone please help me? I believe i have an already wonderful understanding of this subject...but there's never too much to learn and or share.

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