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  1. Ahh got ya ill check them out! Thays alright I think I have it sorted now! Btw I've found a great dark sky site that's in Malham,Skipton which is not so far away from us! I havent got that book I'll have to look into it and look into getting some binoculars too! Any recommendations for binocs?
  2. Hiya Stepehen I'm in Leeds too! But I'm on the other side in Morley! Forgive my rudeness but what's the LAS? And absolutely I agree! On the telescope side of things though I'm having a bit of trouble at the moment. The scope i have turns put to be not a very good scope. Now on hunting for another but I'm not sure which one would be a decent one for a good price (as I cant really afford an expensive one at the moment) I dont trust the review sites that say "best beginner telescopes" anymore as thats where I found my scope. So I'm in a bit if a bind atm 😂 but absolutely would be great to get a group going so we can all travel to dark sky locations and just marvel at the universe I'm totally down for that!
  3. Hi guys I have Celestron Powerseeker 114eq with the standard German Equatorial Mount and the standard tripod it cane with. I seem to have lost the mounting bolt (the star shaped knob that fixes the mount to the tripod from underneath) Could anyone tell me what the thread size is so I can order a replacement? Thanks
  4. Thanks for the welcome guys and John thankyou for that very detailed explanation that will deffo help me.... Unfortunately for me tonight was a bust I made my way to a pretty dark sky location but unfortunately on the way my telescope hit some trees (I dont have a carry bag for it and me been an idiot forgot to put the lens cap back on. I know pretty careless of me ) and water got all down the tube from the previous rainfall. This resulted in the view been blurry as there were rain spots all over the lens and I didnt have the means to wipe them down properly. so yeah I'm not in the best of moods! Hopefully tomorrow is looking good and ill lbe able to get stuff sorted. I still need to properly align my scope as I havent had a chance to even do that yet as where I live I cant find an object to view that's far away enough! Pretty annoying stuff! One question though will I be able to see the meteor shower still? I'm back home now but I so have streetlights and normal lights everywhere
  5. Hi cloud thankyou Thanks for the suggestion I downloaded stellarium already and have been looking through it! (To the point where I can now confidently point out the big dipper and north star!) I was just wondering what a good starting point would be for me and take it from there
  6. From 10pm till about 5am yes
  7. Hi Guys I'm Adam and I've been interested in the universe for years but never took the opportunity to study it. Now I've got myself a Celestrom Powerseeker 114eq and I'm getting geared up and ready for my first ever night out stargazing! I'm excited. Any tips for a first time stargazer for tonight?
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