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Everything posted by Garabaldi15

  1. Thank you, it does look much improved. I’ll try taking a few multi shots and stacking them to see how it compares!
  2. Thank you for the suggestions I’ll certainly try a higher iso and look at getting it out during the day. I’ve not used a Bahtinov before but will take a look. thanks, chris
  3. Hi Dave, it does but only for cleaning you can’t take photos with the mirror lock on unfortunately. Thanks
  4. DSC_1932.NEFHi All, I'm hoping to find someone who might be able to help with an issue with all my images coming out blurry. As a little background I've recently purchased a Celestron 5SE scope in the hope to image some brighter objects (i.e. moon, orion nebula, other solar planets etc). I already own a Nikon D3100 camera and I bought a 2" adaptor and t-ring to attach the camera to the scope as a prime lens. I've played around for about 10 nights now looking at different camera settings and different objects and have yet to get an image that is sharp. I can focus the image through the view finder/live image option on the camera and it looks sharp even when zooming in but after taking the image it's always blurry. I've attached an example image; it's probably a little under exposed. In terms of settings on the D3100 I've tried ISO 100/200 (and some others to experiment) and various exposures between 1/250 and 1/50. I have also tried bulb with a black card but I can't swing it out of the way and back again quick enough to not just get an exceptionally over exposed photo (I tried this thinking the issue maybe vibration). I've also tried using multishot to capture 10-20 issues at one time to reduce vibration. I've also tried a remote shutter to avoid touching the camera. Are there any obvious suggestions of what I could be doing wrong to not get the sharp image that appears in the viewfinder? Thanks in advance! DSC_1932.NEF
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