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Posts posted by CARINAREENA

  1. Okay so, I came on here through a Google search and made an account to specifically ask a question about what I saw in the night sky on April 6th at 8:35 pm PST. I live in Pinehurst California. I know nothing about astronomy. I am just a regular lady living in the mountains, hoping for answers. Maybe someone here can help. 

    My husband called me to the backyard and pointed into the sky as a light appeared from the heavens. It could have been a star. It could have been a satellite. I thought nothing of it but watched as it moved across the night sky. It moved to the left about the distance of the entire big dipper (sorry I am struggling to describe distance and have no idea what to reference) and then disappeared. Still, I figured it was just a satellite but then another light appeared in the same place the first one did, it did the same thing and disappeared and then another came, and then another. One light at a time was visible. It seemed to be very far away and appearing into the atmosphere and then disappearing moments later right before the next one appeared. It was nothing I have seen before. I tried to take video with my phone but it didn't pick up anything. We are up in the mountains and have a pretty good view. My husband saw about 4 before he called me outside. I tried to search the interwebs but I had no luck. The closest thing was the SpaceX satellites but they are all visible at the same time and much closer together so I am left wondering. I would love to make some sense of this. If anyone has an answer that would be awesome! Also, sorry if I posted in the wrong spot or broke an rules. Also, my husband used SkyMap and pointed in the direction we saw the lights for reference but he can't remember the name of the nearest star. I am not sure if it works like this but I can use the app and point at the same space in the sky at 8:35 and take a screenshot and add it here if I can figure out how to edit a post if that's possible or ifit would help at all. Thank you so much for your time and help!

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