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  1. Yeah lol. I'm ok with manual. Reading up on the dob and for planets and some deep space stuff it seems good or am I mistaken. Not looking for photos, just personal viewing and I have super dark skies close by. It's seems a bit clunky but simple to put together and setup. I noticed that some laser aligning is needed. Is that difficult and how often does it need doing (is it like a tuning a piano lol)? Sorry for all the questions. I'm pretty new to this level of stargazing. My recent experience with it is frequently looking up and realizing how totally insignificant I am...
  2. What about a completely different direction with a Dob like the AD10? I know it's a bit bulky but looks easy to set up use and for light intake it seems good. Thoughts on that direction as an option? I'm ok with learning the sky and exploring things as I don't think these things have tracking options.
  3. Oh sorry was thinking 600US... just so used to using USD when 'large item' shopping as Canadian options are quite limited in comparison. I may need to up it little to ensure I'm not sacrificing too much. Thanks to both of you for the information. This gives me a good sense of what to look for for sure. I can see how tracking would be a good addition too, especially if you're all zoomed in on something and want to share the experience with friends. Cool down is not something I would have thought of and appreciate the information. Not as big of an issue on a camping trip where there is a bit more equilibrium but it can get a tad chilly up here and something with a quicker cooldown would lengthen the 'season'.
  4. Budget wise maybe $600 range? Not sure if that's 'mid-range' though. Thanks Vlsiv. Just learning terminology but some of that made sense LOL. Not overly concerned about portability as most times it will be a setup during summer camping. Also have a large vehicle for other times. That being said, smaller is easier if it doesn't sacrifice too much quality. What do you mean by 'cool down'?
  5. Hi folks, Looking to get my first telescope (well first since I had a crappy one as a kid). I'm not looking to do astrophotography. My son has a setup with a iOptron Skytracker Pro and a Cannon 300mm zoom. So just planets and manual viewing. Not looking to for entry level but not looking to bust the wallet either. Something mid range. Will likely need a full setup since if we're out viewing, my son will have his setup in use. I live in Northern Ontario and when I get out of town I have access to some nice dark skies if that helps. Any tips or recommendations appreciated!
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