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Everything posted by GATChris

  1. Thanks David, Thanks for your processing efforts. and your advice. Yes I am using a LPS filter, an IDAS LPS D1 2" filter which is screwed to my field flattener. The star shapes do look odd. I know my focuser is backed nearly all the way out so with the filed flattener, spacers and the camera there may be some torquing going on???? Chris
  2. final.tif I have had a crack at processing my first image. I added in the extra 96 subs and used StarTools.
  3. I bought a cheap USB hub for this reason. (only 1 USB port on my laptop). I connect my guide cam to my main cameras USB hub (ASI294MCPRO). The main camera then connects to the pc through the cheap 4 port USB hub. This works fine, both cameras are seen in sharpcap. The mount connects to the PC throught the 4 port USB I never tried connecting the Mount to the Main camera as well as the guide cam. I will try it out.
  4. Yes darks and flats are the next thing i need to work on. I used sharpcap Capture Flat and Capture Dark before my session last night and applied both at the preprocessing stage. Same target as last night this time 96 x 120sec. Red dwarf - thnaks so much i will look at Star tools too. Trailer Trash - Siril ok i will look at that too. To be honest photo processing looks like a mix of art and science and I need to learn an entire new language too Stack_16bits_96frames_11520s.fits
  5. Thanks Astro noodles. I will take a look at that.
  6. Hi Everybody, Had a brilliant night tinkering with my gear and actually managed to take a series of images. I have a 60mm Refractor on a GOTO EQ mount and a guidescope. I have been getting used to polar aligning and using Sharpcap to get this nice and accurate. I hear this is important. I have also been using CDC to communicate with my mount and Sharpcap and by platesolving i am now able to navigate around the sky and confirm that i am pointing at targets. After checking my focusing with my new Bahtinov mask and setting up guiding with PHD2 i set off Live capturing in Sharpcap. I chose the Iris Nebula as my target 51 frames of 2mins at gain 195 on my ASI294 I have absolutely no idea what to do with the image produced but i attach it below. I dont have photoshop. Chris Any advice appreciated. Stack_16bits_51frames_5310s.fits
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