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Posts posted by saw9

  1. Hi all,


    We've been using a Meade EQ telescope we found at a goodwill for some time and had the urge to upgrade after going to an astronomy night and seeing Saturn's rings. For my birthday, we got the Zhumell DOBSONIAN 10". Put it together, used the laser collimator I think correctly to collimate. But for some reason when I look through the eyepiece I can't see anything? What on earth am I doing wrong? We've only used the 1.25" one that came w/ the Z10, but we do have a Barlow as well. It has a dual Crayford but honestly I don't know what it is or how to use it. Getting frustrated already. The EQ we just carried out, set up, used the finder and then focused the image and that was that. 

    TIA for any input

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