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Posts posted by Mark99

  1. Thanks for all the useful info, plenty to take on board!

    Found an extension tube that I didn't know I had, (can't remember why I bought it) so I will be able to test the straight through view.

    I suspect I was super sensitive using the new scope for the first time. It had had a big build up!

    I think I will hold off on eyepieces until I can get some to match the quality of the scope. One at a time would be a plan. More stuff to research endlessly on the internet. We love research don't we?!


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  2. Hello everybody, having gleaned a lot of info from the forum over the last year, many thanks by the way, I finally took the plunge and replaced my Helios 150mm refractor with a SharpStar 94EDPH f/5.5 Triplet Apo.

    I intend to use it firstly for visual observation, with the option for imaging later when funds permit.

    The lenses I already have are Explore scientific 70 series, 20mm and 10mm, and a 52 series 4.5mm.

    I have a stella mira 99% dialectric diagonal.

    So I set it all up, very excited to see this high contrast sharp image, inky black sky and sharp stars and planets. No such luck.

    Venus and Jupiter both had fringes. Red on one side, blue on the other. Venus was particularly bad, the fringes being as large as the size of the planet.

    The moon looked reasonably OK with the 20mm lens, but poor contrast with the other two lenses. Certainly not that feeling of being able to step out onto it.

    I know the seeing has been less than ideal, but I am struggling to see any improvement over what I had before.

    There must be a weak link somewhere. Could someone point me in the right direction to find out what it is please?

    Sorry to start my first post with a problem.

    many thanks



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