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Everything posted by Stargazer1982

  1. Yeah, I'm scared myself. My remote turns on with no problems connected to my laptop. It says initializing. So at least I know it's ok. But they're gonna let me return it. Theres no way I'd eat that. That's honestly the most insane thing I've ever seen as far as electronics go. Its absolutely ludacris for a 1000$ piece of equipment to be completely ruined only by using laptop charger. Why wouldn't they put s fuse in the way of the current. I know if I created a product, I'd make sure those types of things couldn't happen so easily anyways. I've found multiples of threads where people has done very similar things. I would see it as a liability because you can't prove that someone done it. So right there I'm losing money. I just really wish I could have found the skywatcher HQ5. I've seen masses of people online whose had nothing but electrical problems. I wish I would've done more research. Its probably obvious that I'm fairly new to astrophotography. I've gained a lot of confidence in my imaging. I'm using the skywatcher star adventurer pro, canon rebel t8i, WO zenithstar61 telescope +0.8 ff,zwo120asi mini, 50mm SVBONY guide scope and of course the software Apt and PHD2. And I'm very proud of it all. I've never been so eager to want to learn in my life. I literally even have went back to school. I remember seeing a goto mount for the first time and it blew my mind that they had something so amazing, so like the vast majority of us. I make a very let's just say "humble living " . So I did without many things, wouldn't eat lunch at work hardly just to be able to throw 15 or 20 bucks in the stash. I'm also an avid record collector and distributor. I was focused and so excited that I actually had one of these otw to me. It was surreal. Just for it to never even get used at all, very simply because of a 15-20v adapter was used instead of a 12v. And only for maybe 30 seconds. Sorry for the rant everyone. It may sound silly but this has broke my heart. I'm glad to be a part of the group now. I'm just hoping for someone to say that they've been through the same thing with the light on mount/adapter to dimly blink. I've had one person say that they'd never heard of one that's really fried to blink or anything that normally it shows absolutely nothing. Smh! I've been up all night. This has made me physically nauseous. Anyways, I hope everyone is doing well and being safe. I'm sure like everything else that goes wrong. Itll be okay, and somehow it'll work out way better in the end. Thank you all
  2. I just received my brand new Celestron Avx mount 3 days ago and the very first night I had it,i was setting it up and I only got as far as setting the language. It just abruptly stopped with absolutely nothing on the screen of HC or anything. When I hit the switch ,the light on the mount and adapter very dimly blinks. Is my mount dead? If a too high of voltaged adapter was used,does this pretty much guarantee that its ruined? Or has anyone seen this happen before and ended up okay? I was misinformed and I used a laptop charger that's 15v I believe. I would think that if totally blown that it wouldn't even blink? I've got a 12v 5A adapter arriving today. I'm genuinely hoping with all of my heart that I'll get one more chance. The store I bought it from are sold out and backordered. So I'll have to wait until they receive it back then I'll have to wait for my money to be deposited back in my account. Then try to find another. Any information would be appreciated. Thank you
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