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Posts posted by Zhombl

  1. Hello, guys.

    My first scope is Celestron Star Sense Explorer 80AZ, due to arrive soon. It comes with two Keller eyepieces, 10mm and 20mm.

    After reading some reviews, they suggest these eyepieces are trash and I may want to replace them asap. I still have some budget, e.g. for one-two Vixen NPL eyepieces.

    Should I upgrade right away, and if yes, to what focal length? Or I should just settle down and try use what's in the box?

    I will be observing from a high rise in the medium-sized town, so the sky will be light-polluted. I don't have really solid goals yet, just want to have some fun with the scope, and see what I like.

    Thank you in advance, and sorry for dumb asks.

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