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Everything posted by ThomasMK

  1. Yes so I mentioned the position of the secondary required to be adjusted really far up when using the laser to get it center on the primary dot. When doing it manually I got a much better result and the secondary look much more centered. Thumbscrews are tight on the 2 to 1.25 adapter and I'm using just tape around the laser to make it center in the eyepiece holder. There is no play anywhere and I've rotated the laser in the holder and its true. I also just tweaked the vanes a little as they also seemed off from the manufacturer. I already ordered a cheshire and will report back. Thanks!
  2. New comer here. So I just got my first telescope Nexstar 130SLT. After the first use, due to my OCD I wasn't happy with the excess play in the focuser so I took it apart and added teflon tape and adjusted it and got rid of all the slack. I also noticed that from the manufacturer the collimation looked off so I collimated it using just a collimation cap and got it pretty bang on as seen in the bottom pic. I decided to confirm this with a laser to be sure. Checked with the laser and was apparently significantly off. So next I checked the collimation of the laser and the laser was out. Used a v-block and got the laser dead on, re-checked and no change. The top picture was collimated with a laser and as you can see the secondary mirror looks like its more upward after adjustment and isn't centered and the primary looks off too. The picture on the bottom is collimated manually with just a collimation cap and the secondary and primary look centered. I've tried this multiple times with the same result. Not really sure why it appears so far out when collimating with the laser. Please note the eyepiece holders are perfectly centered with zero play. I made sure the laser is sitting center in the focuser. Any suggestions?
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