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Everything posted by Moonman_271

  1. Thanks Heather, I am hoping to get some good shots and currently playing around with some stacking software. As the camera is new to me still working out the settings So i don't just get a big white circle, but I will get that sorted.
  2. Yeah the camera can save in raw format, which I have used for a few moon shots.
  3. Thanks for the reply and useful links, You are correct the lense cannot be changed on the camera the model I have does have a 60x optical zoom so hoping this will be enough to get some food shots. The confusion for seems to be when looking for mounts they seem to be listed with x y and z not included which is fine but when not sure what a wedge or dovetail is it's a bit confusing.
  4. Hi all, New to the astrophotography scene and looking for some advise. I have a bridge camera and looking to get a tripod to assist with shots, I like the idea of the tracker ones but have no idea where to start. Should I get a standard tripod and upgrade later with motor etc. For tracking and longer exposures? If so what type of tripod and upgrades would I be looking at, I have seen some on Amazon/eBay but slightly unclear on all the parts and names of the equipment I should be looking at. Any advise will be greatly appreciated.
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