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Posts posted by StarGazerRandomGuy

  1. On 02/01/2021 at 07:39, Cornelius Varley said:

    These should be entered into the handset as 081 34 W , 30 18 N

    Synscaninit will also give you the correct co-ordinates, date and time and time zone.

    I have my coordinates set up correctly, date and time zone correctly as well, still not aligning correctly, I still can't find polaris in my polar scope, what color is polaris supposed to be in the polar scope while the mount is turned on? When it's turned on the inside of the scope is red. I assume that the last problem is the RA and DEC axis, exactly how do I go about setting it up? In the manual it says I have to point it towards known RA and DEC coordinates how would I figure that out?

  2. On 29/12/2020 at 16:52, Jiggy 67 said:

    Just seen your title, EQ6 R Pro so all I said applies

    I'm trying to polar align but I can't seem to get polaris in my polar scope, I can't see any stars at all through my polar scope, I'm in a light polluted area, it's clear sky as of right now me typing this. Any suggestions?

  3. I really want to use the goto function, but for whatever reason despite putting in all the information correctly, 30.292089563488684 N , -81.56535336078903 W or 30° 17' 31.74'' N 81° 33' 55.4364'' W despite putting my timezone correctly, the date, everything I know of and aligning it doesn't goto correctly, what do I do?

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