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Posts posted by Rigatoni

  1. I think I might have used the wrong term in English. The way that this particular telescope is built (I later found out it was a self build by the person I bought from) has the secondary mirror touch a tube that leads directly to the eyepiece. I’m pretty sure the mirror tilted enough to go inside this tube. In Portuguese we would call it a “focalizador”. I’m not entirely sure in English, though. But it doesn’t seem like it’s supposed to move

    edit: looking at the other answers, yeah my telescope looks nothing like that lol. It’s a lot narrower, so there’s no space between the mirror and this tube that I described

  2. 4 minutes ago, knobby said:

    Looking at the second picture, it looks like the focuser tube has been wound in way too far. Does it move away from the secondary mirror when focusing ?

    Olhando para a segunda foto, parece que o tubo focalizador foi enrolado demais. Ele se afasta do espelho secundário ao focar?

    No, it’s completely fixed. Unrelated, but thank you for adding a Portuguese translation, that’s very sweet hahah

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  3. hi there! It’s my first time ever posting here. A little while ago I started to look for my first telescope, and after a lot of research, I decided a dobsonian was the best recommendation for complete noobs. Unfortunately for me, name brand telescopes are very expensive in my country, so I ended buying a used dobsonian, with optics made by well known Brazilian ATM (Sebastião Santiago Filho). 

    However when I received this telescope I noticed half of the view through the eyepiece was completely black, possibly obstructed. After investigating, I believe the secondary mirror found its way inside the focalizer, and the “obstruction” is the reflection of the inside of the focalizer tube. I’ve been in contact with the person that sold it to me, but he doesn’t seem to know how to solve the problem. 

    Please excuse if the terms I used aren’t very clear, I’m freely translating from Portuguese.

    Here’s some pictures I took of the inside of the telescope: https://imgur.com/a/o545Cmm

    Does anyone have any idea how to fix this problem? I’ve tried messing with the angle of the secondary mirror, but it doesn’t seem to do much.

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