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Posts posted by Drewby80

  1. Hi @john thanks for your reply, I have had a good look round at other accessories that I may want to consider. 

    I currently only have the 25mm and 9mm eyepieces that come provided with the scope. 

    The 9mm eyepiece requires you to place your eye with much more precision than the 25mm to get a good view. 

    I am looking at purchasing a CELESTRON X-CEL LX 5mm eyepiece am I correct in thinking that because of its superior optics that the viewing experience I will get when using this will be more akin to using my current 25mm one?

    I’ve also looked at the 2.3mm one which I believe will provide a magnification of about 287x if understand it correctly. 

    Will this be too much for my scope and be un usable, or will I just get great close up views of small areas of the moon for example?

    I was also wondering if its possible to get a CCD unit and take wide field long exposure photos with my mount or is it’s tracking precision not up to the job?

  2. Hi I have just purchased a Celestron NexStar 102SLT (my first ever attempt at looking aloft).

    Im quite pleased with the first objects I’ve looked for and found it very easy to use and even managed to take a nice picture of the moon by aligning my phone camera to the eyepiece in the hour I’ve messed about with it. 

    I had a look at Mars last night through the 9mm eyepiece it was supplied with but would have liked to see more detail than a red blob. 

    My question is is it possible to see more detail with something like a 4mm eyepiece in this scope?

    Is it worth purchasing one or is there a better solution here?

    Thanks in advance and apologies for my complete noobie terminology / ignorance here. 

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