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Posts posted by Von

  1. Hi Michael,

    In my opinion math level is gradually introduced progressing at level 3 but having some extra learning is always a great idea.

    Anyway is depends from your background if is maths orientated or not ;-)

    Investigation in Astronomy could be useful to build bases but I would recommend to familiarised soon with software package as IRAF, Phyton, SQL, Matlab, C++, DS9 or data Science if your aim for research level. Personally despite my titles I am thinking to go for an MSc in Computer Science or similar to improve my IT level....

    About Liverpool again the MSc was very stimulating but for me there is something not right there.

    Level 7 (MSc) assumes students to be independent, but it doesn't mean that you can't ask questions about your exam results or understand the rational behind a specific mark.

    Personally it was a massive disappointment but if could be my experience :-)

    Hope your studies at UCLan proceed well but is you have more question and I can help just ask


  2. Hi Micheal,

    sorry for my delay.

    As said in the previous email I found UCLan fantastic..! The coursework intensify exponentially from level 4 to 6 but it normal.

    Modules level 6 like "Extreme States of Matter" or "Cosmology & Relativity" require lots of maths and physics. Personally I enjoyed particularly the quantum mechanics (originally I have a BSc, MSc and PhD in Chemistry). Anyway the lecturers are amazing, very detailed feedbacks and ready to support you in each moment.

    My transition from BSc to MSc was very enjoyable I never had problems in terms of subjects (i.e. maths, physics) is just the LJMU MSc organisation non-sense.

    Again there is no feedback or a way to discuss your assessment...!!!.

    On the top they don't provide any exam solutions, you need to work on that alone... 

    Anyway is not my intention to discourage you but there are lots of better Uni than LJMU, just think before to apply or spend money 🙂


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  3. On 21/09/2020 at 17:29, NovaeSci said:

    Hi all,

    My first post here. I've done a search, but most post on UCLAN seem to be from years ago. I've enrolled on Introduction to Astronomy, with the intention of completing the whole BSc, moving on to a MSc in Astrophysics and then a PhD.

    I'm curious if people rate this degree? I was originally going to the Open University Physics degree, but I felt there wasn't enough Astro-content. This one is packed full.

    All the best,

    Michael :D

    Hi Michael,

    I want to give a quick idea about both University since I have successfully completed the BSc (Hons) in Astronomy (UCLan) and MSc in Astrophysics (Ljmu).

    You did the right choice with UCLan the staff is very professional, extremely well organised and always ready to support students. You will have detailed feedbacks helping you to improve the level. If you proceed you will see the difference between level 4 and level 6 but the staff is ready to help you with questions or doubts.

    Unfortunately I can't say the same about Ljmu, the MSc in Astrophysics has been a massive disappointment. Despite I have enjoyed the subject, there is no support of any kind, no feedback of your exams, the staff doesn't give you any help. You have quick sessions of tutorials and that's all..!

    There are strange rules on the exams, if you don't respect you will be eavily penalised. Most shocking the staff doesn't give any feedback so you have no idea with question is correct and which is not so the question is: could improve the level? Definitively no...!!!

    Same process was applied for my MSc dissertation, got the final marking with no feedback. In addition is not a cheap MSc currently fees are increased...

    I strongly don't recommend Ljmu avoid if you can is waste time and educationally useless..


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