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Posts posted by Walker

  1. Hello everyone!

    My last post in May led me to purchasing a Dobsonian Sky-Watcher classic 200P, 15mm and 8 mm ED eyepieces; which I couldn't be happier with...initially.

    This was the first time using this type of telescope, I have watched YouTube videos and followed the manual to make sure I set everything up correctly. However, I can't seem to focus on  the moon, and close planets look like blurry spheres. My sight scope gives me more definition on the moon than my actual eyepieces. I have switched through the 8mm,15,25 and 10mm I have and nothing seems to be making anything clear.

    I have used my old scope to make sure the new eyepieces work, and everything looks fine.

    I'm so desperate to use it but, I don't know what I am doing wrong. 🙃

    I take the eyepiece adapters off when it isn't in use (see photo).

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

    Thank you,




  2. Hi all,

    Yes, I have a 76/700 reflector.

    The skies around me are varied, I have little light pollution as I am near the Surrey Hills, however, light pollution  can be bad. I do have a shed, so the bigger scope might be possible. 

    My budget would be less than 1K, preferably £500-£700. I know deep space scopes are quite pricey though.

    I wouldn't need to be carrying around too much as my garden is really good for observing.

    Would it be best to buy new or go to reputable second hand ?

    Thank you so much for your help! Sometimes, it can be quite overwhelming with all of the different scopes etc.

    Again, thanks!



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  3. Hi All, 



    I have been looking through your beginner advice and it is extremely helpful. I was advised to use my very basic telescope for a year and I did and it has been excellent just learning. 


    However, I want to see more (classic), I really want to aspire to seeing in deep space. What sort of Telescope would be best for an beginner to intermediate, I would really like the next one to keep me satiated for longer than a year. 

    The next step, would be all the planets with detail. I find it really hard to decide which telescope is best and this forum is brilliant! 


    Thank you for all your help! 


  4. Hi All,


    Thank you everyone for your warm welcomes, quick responses and really helpful information. I am going to spend more time with my telescope and playing around the eye pieces a little more. Honestly, it has been so helpful and I can't wait to go through your responses again and the forum generally!

  5. Hi All, 


    I am a total beginner at star gazing and I received one as a gift recently, after a lengthy google search I don't think its a very good one. However, I have read that it is important to persevere! 

    My telescope didn't come with the make, however, the model is 76mm by 700mm. 

    SR44mm/ H 20 mm/ H12.5mm/ 3 X Barlow lens/ 1.5 erecting eye piece. 

    I am aware that my eye piece (lenses) aren't very good ( the internet informed me, Ha), I am wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction of eyepieces (lenses) that work for my telescope? If I am honest, I have no idea what I am doing but I really want to get into star gazing.  

    Thank you in advance , any help will be appreciated. 



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