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Posts posted by tickmatrix

  1. 1 hour ago, wongataa said:

    The part labelled 'super 25' is a 1.25" 25mm eyepiece in a 1.25" eyepiece holder.  The threads at the end of the holder screw into the part that fits into the focuser.

    The filter is a neutral density filter.  It darkens the view.  It isn't really needed.

    The other part looks like an extension that fits between the focuser and the eyepiece.  The bevelled bit fits in the focuser.  The threaded bit at the end is where you screw the eyepiece holder onto it.  The external thread is for attaching other accessories or cameras.  The threaded end can be removed (undo the silver thumb screws) and fitted directly to the focuser.  Most of the time you won't need the extension.

    thanks, that;s helpful. is the extension used to increase the focal length? I've been told I need a barlow lense and a T Ring to attach a camera

  2. 57 minutes ago, malc-c said:

    Don't be in a rush to dismantle the scope and clean the mirrors.  It's surprising how well mirrors perform with what we may consider as being dirty.  If you do need or want to clean them then research this properly, and don't go using detergents and tap water.  Ideally deionised RO water is needed along with IPA.  Once cleaned and reassembled the optics will need re-collimating.  Again, this has been well documented on the forum, websites and youtube videos.  You can then use the mount you have with the scope and see how well it performs visually.  You can then try attaching a camera and try your hand at imaging.  Then if you find the limitations of your existing mount restricts your progress then that may be the time to upgrade to an HEQ5 or similar.


    good advice, thanks. I'm going to leave the mirror and just crack on and learn based on what I have. 

  3. sounds like my best option is to get to know what I have with a view of progressing to HEQ5 at a later stage, thanks everyone.

    could someone help me identify these items. I know one is a filter but what for (I think its a moon filter?)

    also while I get use to what I have, what is the max. exposure if I don't have tracking.



  4. thanks for the replies, the mirror appears quite clean now it's warmed up and dried out so will leave this for now. I'm looking at http://www.opticalvision.co.uk/astronomical_accessories-motor_drives_and_goto_upgrades/enhanced-dual-axis-motor-drive-for-eq5-mount.html to help with long exposure AP but  I need to check other items I may need to attach the DSLR and get it in focus. At 68, this is real excitement!

  5. On 01/01/2021 at 19:31, SMF said:

    Happy New Year.

    I’ve had some surprisingly good (although early days yet) results with my 200p on an EQ5 with an old DSLR.

    I’ve got two EQ5 mounts, one with the 200p and the other with a 150 SkyMax and fitted both with just the single RA motor drive.

    I did this initially just for visual tracking convenience but then discovered they seem accurate enough for quite long exposures to have a go at photography. I left Jupiter centred in a 7mm eyepiece one night. Went inside for an hour or so forgetting to turn the motor off and came back to find it still visually bang on centred.

    On a perfectly still night the mount copes OK but to be honest it takes some patience if the wind is even a little gentle using the 200p.

    Honestly it’s a lot of fun for very little expense.

    Frankly I wasn’t sold on the dual motor concept and wouldn’t bother motorising beyond the RA.


    Both my EQ5s came with a polar scope fitted, calibrating these and setting up the alignment is essential.

    Overall, as much as I lust after an EQ6 Pro it’s going to be sometime before I justify upgrading.

    There is so much else to learn that will improve my results first.

    Good luck and enjoy.



    Having just seen fozzybear’s reply above I’d take him up on the offer of the dual motor if it’s available.

    I think both the single and dual motor drives are in short supply at the moment with long waits for replacement stocks.

    could you post an image of what an EQ5 looks like with motor drives fitted?

  6. I've recently inherited a sky watcher reflector (see attached) and various buts & pieces including the mount and I have a few questions ...

    1. Can someone tell if me if this is an astrophotography reflector?  

    2. It's been in the loft for a few years and I'm leaving it for a few days somewhere dry and warm but I may need to clean the mirror. any advice welcome?

    I'm no expert but not clueless either.



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