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Posts posted by ch00se

  1. 6 hours ago, Clarkey said:

    If it is similar to the straight through finders you should be able to move the crosshair. If you unscrew the "eyepiece" end of the finder you will see there is a small ring holding the X. If you carefully loosen this you should be able to move the crosshair to where you want it.

    Here is a link to repair, but it shows how to remove the X.


    Thanks for your reply but the eyepiece is a bit different on the right angled version, the small ring is behind a lens/mirror when unscrewing it. 

    There is a rectangular panel attached with 4 screwed on the actual eyepiece itself but I have refrained from opening this just yet for lack of an understanding of what is behind it!  Obviously would rather not damage anything so what do you think?  Image below.


  2. Hi all,


    I have a Sky-Watcher 9x50 Right-Angled, Erecting Finderscope which I've used a few times since getting my scope.  Ever since receiving it the crosshair has been closer to  'x' than '+'.  Annoyingly it is actually somewhere in between both.

    This is starting to annoy me as sometimes I am not clear exactly which direction I am moving when using it so I was wondering:

    • Is this crosshair orientation typical for this model?  As it is neither a '+' nor a 'x', I am not convinced this would be the case but I may be wrong.
    • Can I easily fix the orientation myself?  I've read about a method using a 'paper shim' but haven't found much more on them.
    • Lastly is this potentially a defect?  The item is still under warranty so I am considering contacting the supplier.


    Thanks in advance!

  3. 18 minutes ago, michael.h.f.wilkinson said:

    Why not rotate the book 180 degrees? I find a RACI finder much easier to use than others

    excellent idea.  sounds silly but i never considered doing that as i only recently figured out that east is west and west is east.  this should sort a lot of my problems to be honest so thanks.

  4. Hi all,

    I have an 8inch dob and I have purchased the below to replace my straight through finder:


    I have been having a lot of issues with using this as I am using turn left at orion which shows all of the finderscope images upside down with left/right reversed which is the opposite of my finderscope.

    I know maps are available online but for convivence-sake I am considering replacing the finder.   Am I able to get a right angled finder which matches the view through my dob, my original straight through finderscope, and my maps in turn left at orion?

    I've seen the SkyWatcher 9x50 Right Angled Finderscope which I believe has left/right reversed but shows an upright image, is this correct?  

    Thanks in advance



  5. Hi all, hoping to get some advice in relation to my 200p.

    I am considering purchasing the below centering adapter to use with my 1.25" eye pieces:


    Im hoping to to mount my DSLR camera onto my scope and am aware that you can unscrew where the eye piece mounts which connects into a camera adapter which I have purchased.


    My first question is this the best size centering adapter to purchase? I only have 1.25" eye pieces and saw baader sell an alternative model:


    My second question is a t adapter required to do this?

    Third, I was wondering if I am able to mount my camera into the same adapter as the eye pieces or would I need to use the adapter provided with my telescope?

    Lastly, I am as going to purchase a 1.25" filter for viewing the moon/planets. I was considering ordering this in 1.25" however if I am using the same adapter to mount both the eye pieces and the camera, does this need to be 2" to fit into my adapter so it can be used by both the eye piece and camera? Can a 2" filter be used simultaneously with a 1.25" eyepiece in the same adapter?


    Thanks all



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