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Posts posted by astrobagel

  1. I know this is an old thread, but on searching I didn't find anything to resolve this so I'm posting some info here provided to me by Scientific Explorer support when I raise a ticket for this for my ED80, in case it's useful for others. Basically, there are some shipping screws on ED80s which need to be loosened. Here is what they said ...

    "To prevent the optics in this telescope from moving during
    shipping, set screws have been installed at the factory. If
    pinched optics are noticed during astrophotography
    sessions, it is recommended that you loosen the shipping
    set screws using the included hex wrench.
    The pinch, which is visible on astrophotographs, looks like
    wedge shapes projecting from bright stars.
    To remove the pinch, you need to access nine set screws
    that cause the pinch. The screws are hidden by the dew
    To remove the dew shield:
    1) If the telessopce is an Essential Series white tube or
    an FCD100 white tube, the dew shield unscrews from
    the slip collar. The threading is standard thread -- left
    to loosen.
    2) If the telescope is a carbon fiber tube, the dew shield
    is held in place with screws. Remove the screws.
    Once the dew shield is off, you will see six groupings of
    three screws located 60° apart. Three sets are covered in
    a rubberized sealant. DO NOT remove the rubberized
    sealant on these screws. Only loosen the screws that are
    not covered.

    To prevent the optics from misaligning during situations of
    excessive vibration, reinstall all set screws.
    The images here are with an ED80, but the procedure is
    the same for all the telescopes."

    I know this is specific to ED80s, but would have helped me a bunch.

    Pinched OpticsShipping set screws adjustment.docx

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