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Everything posted by MoteOfDust

  1. Thank you very much for the fast replies, and very useful info! I will be getting that cable then. Thanks!
  2. Hi! I am completly new to telescopes, I've been intrested in getting started with stargazing and astrophotography for years and I finally bought a 2nd hand telescope (Celestron Nexstar 6SE) and am waiting to get it home. From what I understand the batteries don't last very long, So I am looking for a power solution. As I work with film/photo I have some V-mount batteries (not same brand as in link) that has D-tap out 12-V. would it work to power the telescope with that and just using a cable like this d-tap to 5,5mm. Been serching but I can't find any information regarding it. Otherwise what powersolution would you suggest?
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