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Derek R

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Posts posted by Derek R

  1. Thank you for your comprehensive comment Wuthton, when I have the time I'll have a good read of the other thread and see what everybody is saying.  I certainly love the shots I've seen and your picture, in particular, is where I want to get to.

    Thank you also Bottletopburly.  I have 2 x D5300, 1 x D5100 and 1 x D3100.  My favourites are the D5300s at 24mpx and brilliant for ISO and low noise.  That's why I want to use those for any kit I can get my hands on.

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  2. Thank you for your kind remarks Astrid, I can't wait to give it a try. 

    Thank you also to you Luke. Unfortunately, I'm not a Spring Chicken anymore and don't have the financial resources to buy, try and then move on to the next. It's a case of heading for the goal from the start, then enjoying what I have for as long as I can. I think the kit I'm looking at should give me plenty to occupy me for a few years and will hopefully produce the results I'm aiming for. 

  3. Thanks Jamgood.  I hope I manage to pick up as much information and enjoyment as you appear to have garnered.


    Thanks Sunshine, I've been to Ontario a few years ago and watched the ISS fly over - you have beautiful, crisp, clear skies.


    Thank you for the warning Rickwayne, I thought your picture had been taken through a car window in the middle of a storm, but I appreciate exactly what you are talking about.  I've done a few star trails and know what happens if you get movement in the shot.


    Thank you also R26 Oldtimer, again, yes movement will kill any shot so I'll need to make sure that my equipment is solid.

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  4. Thanks Alacant, I'm looking forward to getting my hands on one.

    Thank you also Happy-Kat.  I only have a few lenses other than the big Russian thing (which is fixed f10 and the manual focusing ring is smooth and difficult to pull a focus with).  However, none of my lenses are ED and the largest of the others is a 300mm which probably wouldn't be brilliant for too much of what I want to achieve.


  5. Thanks Paul,

    You made me smile with your comment, I can imagine Mr. Bean or some such comedy character straddling the tube to keep an eye on the target as the GOTO sends it across the sky, especially if it ends up upside down and they are dangling with arms and legs wrapped around.

    I'll just connect a camera and hope it survives.

    • Haha 1
  6. Hi everyone.

    I joined because I decided that the last (however long I have left) will be spent doing some of the things I have wanted to do for many years and have either not been able to due to finances or because of the time required. Having looked at quite a few posts on the site I can see that you are keen to help others with your knowledge, I may well be grabbing some of that. In advance I'd like to thank you for the knowledge I've so far gained and know I will in the future.

    I have always been interested in photography and have taken photographs for the last 60 years or so.  What I really want to do is photograph deep space.  The biggest piece of kit I have at the moment is an ancient Russian 1000mm mirror lens (don't ask me the make as I haven't a clue).  I've used it on my Nikon to photograph the moon, but as you will be aware the moon shoots through the shot so fast that the chances of getting a sharp shot (especially with my kit) is nigh on impossible.  As can be seen from the picture attached tracking would make life (and pictures) much better.

    I've looked at my finances and what kit is available, (that I can afford) and have decided to get myself kitted out with a Skywatcher 250PDS on a Skywatcher AZ-EQ6GT Computerised Go To Mount + Tripod. 

    Now I just have to wait for the shops which sell the kit to have some in stock as the pandemic has caused a reduction in imports.  After that I have to write another 49 items to be able to see what the members are selling that I might need to enhance my system.

    9 X 6 DSC_0047_001.jpg

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